
Showing posts from September, 2008

Bin Laden: Laughing All the Way at the Banks

by Jacqueline Leo It doesn't take a terrorist to bring the U.S. to its knees. All it takes is a few greedy executives, a Congress that looks the other way even when the warning shots are fired, and a society that wants to believe that you can get something for nothing--like a house. Yes, we've seen it all before: The S & L scandal of the 80's that sent the markets reeling and drove the economy into recession; the tech bubble of the 90's that burst when Y2K came and went without a data wipe out. But this is different. Back then, our share of the world GDP was about 50%. Today, it's 25% as global economies grow and thrive. Back then, workers had guaranteed fixed pensions along with social security. Today, they have 401K's, which are vulnerable to market swings. Back then, we weren't looking at a humongous deficit fueled by war, unbridled wasteful spending and entitlements that threaten to rob the next generation of Americans of their future. So histor